オーガナイズドセッション (OS10)
12:45 - 15:15
オーガナイザー:橋本 敬(北陸先端科学技術大学院大学),小林春美(東京電機大学),岡ノ谷一夫(東京大学)
OS10-2招待講演言語コミュニケーションの特質である階層性と意図共有の統合を理解することは,言語の起源を追求する上で重要であろう.意図共有をアブダクティブな推論と考えると,そこに階層性と意図共有を統合する可能性がある.すなわち,他者の意図に関する多様な仮説の形成に,階層性を生み出す再帰的結合が持つ生成物の多様化という機能が活かされる.そして,その仮説の中からEmbodied Simulation可能な仮説が選択されることで,他者の意図を理解・納得できる.
OS10-3招待講演Pitch accent in Japanese serves multiple duties, allowing different linguistic interpretations of the same prosodic signal. For example, a pitch rise on N-Gen in [modifier + N-Gen + N], which allows two branching structures can be understood as part of a cue to (i) non-default right-branching (RB) syntax or (ii) contrastive focus on N-Gen (e.g., blue cats, as opposed to something else that’s blue). The results from two VWP experiments demonstrated that contrastive focus is computed immediately if such an interpretation is pragmatically felicitous. The same prosodic cue is then re-interpreted as a signal to syntax after the branching ambiguity is resolved by subsequent input.
OS10-5招待講演手乗りとして育てたオカメインコ3羽がヒトの音楽を自発的に模倣して発声するようになった.さらに,それらのトリはその音楽を再生すると,途中からそれに加わり,いわば“斉唱”するようになった.これはそれらのトリが,メロディの全体像をイメージし,進行中の音がそのメロディのどの時点に表れるべきものであるかを判断 しつつ,タイミングのみならず,音高や音圧を同調させながら発声運動を行う能力を持つことを示す.
OS10-6公募発表This study demonstrates that in combining a noun (thing) with an adjective (evaluation), several frame elements, which we refer to as competitor, standard, judge, and background scale, are evoked; each element significantly affects the final value-judgment externalized by an adjective expression. Specifically, some or all frame elements are involved in the meaning-making process of adjective expression formation, and they function in a unique and complex manner. To test this assumption, we conducted two simple experiments: a drawing task and an eye-tracking study. The results of these experiments supported our hypothesis.
OS10-8招待講演The combination of hierarchy and intention sharing sets human language and linguistic communication apart from other animal communication systems. It remains to be seen, however, if these two properties are evolutionarily linked and if so, how. Here I provide a possible scenario for their coevolution based on the evolution of multiple, parallel distributed attention system, which may be an instance of domestication syndrome.