
堆肥 食品ロス 地域社会

  • P2-059
    Gabriel Rusk (中京大学工学部)
    宮田 義郎 (中京大学工学部)
    淺川 仁都 (中京大学工学部)
    In collaborative efforts with a Bangkok school to make compost with food waste from our respective schools' cafeteria, we found that people seem to cross social boundaries and connect with each other while making compost. From these observations, we suppose that social boundaries make it difficult to see the natural flow of energies in the ecosystem, resulting in social issues like food waste in the food supply against our environmental and economic desire not to waste food. We'd like to suggest that creative collaboration working with biological processes of microbes making compost can help blur these boundaries, see potentials that we don't normally see, and reorganize ourselves more in line within the natural flow of the ecosystem we’re part of.