

  • P1-057A
    晴木 祐助 (北海道大学)
    金子 景 (北海道大学 文学部)
    小川 健二 (北海道大学 文学研究院)
    Interoception refers to the perceptions arising from the internal body's physiological processes. Researchers have suggested a gender difference in interoception, with women more likely to report somatic symptoms in association with mental disorders. This study examined gender differences in three aspects of interoception and individual tendencies regarding bodily feeling. Results showed no significant gender differences in perceptual accuracy, confidence, or metacognitive ability. However, women who strongly linked bodily sensations to emotions had reduced interoceptive metacognition, not seen in men. These findings empirically support women's vulnerability to impaired interoceptive metacognition related to bodily and emotional feelings.